Installing Snaps

  1. Begin by visiting the live demo link to initiate Leap Snaps installation (note: this is a fork of our Osmosis)

  2. Click on Connect Wallet and choose Metamask to connect to Leap Cosmos Snap

    Screen Recording 2023-09-11 at 5.59.51

  3. You'll be directed to the Chrome Extension Store to add MetaMask Flask. This is a developer-centric version of MetaMask where experimental features like Snaps are tested before their stable release. To test Snaps today, you'll need to install Flask. Just click on 'Add to Chrome'.

    Metamask Flask Chrome Extension.png

  4. Once installed, you'll spot the Metamask Flask extension icon. Proceed by setting up a new wallet or importing an existing one, and grant necessary permissions.

<aside> 📌 Note:

  1. You can import an existing Cosmos wallet seed phrase into Flask to access your current Cosmos tokens. We recommend using a wallet with limited token amounts due to Flask's experimental nature. Alternatively, you could set up a new wallet and transfer a nominal amount for testing.

2. For Snaps to work, you will have to disable all other EVM wallet extensions on your browser, such as the regular Metamask extension, Coinbase wallet, Rabby, etc. This can be achieved by navigating to chrome://extensions/ and toggling off the unwanted extensions.





  1. Navigate back to Osmosis fork here and initiate the Metamask connection via Leap Cosmos Snap. Follow Metamask's prompts to install Snaps:

    1. Click on Metamask and connect your MetaMask account to Osmosis
    2. Accept permissions and connection request to integrate Snaps
    3. Accept permissions to install Snaps
    4. Installation is complete and wallet is ready to transact!
  2. Congrats! Leap Snaps is now at your service.

Initiating a Send Transaction

  1. Click on Send/ IBC Transfers on the sidebar to initiate a transaction.


  1. Select your Source chain, enter Recipient’s address, and enter the amount you want to send. For the example here, we’ll keep source chain as Cosmos and transfer some ATOM.


  1. Click on Send. You’ll be prompted to approve the transaction request on your MetaMask wallet. Click on Approve and.. ta-da! You’ve completed your first transaction using Leap Snaps 🎉

Send Txn Leap Snaps.gif