To set up a LEAP wallet, you can follow these steps:

  1. Leap Wallet is available as browser extension (On Chrome, Brave & Edge) and Android and iOS apps. You can download our extension or mobile app through this link:

  2. After you install & when you open the app or extension, you will be presented with 4 options:

    1. Create a new wallet
    2. Import an existing Keplr or Cosmostation wallet or
    3. Import using a seed phrase.
    4. Connect hardware wallet.

    In this tutorial, we will choose the option to create a new wallet.


  1. You will be shown a secret recovery phrase. Make sure to save this phrase in a safe and secure location, as it is the only way to recover your wallet. Do not share this phrase with anyone.


  1. Create a password to encrypt your wallet. Choose a strong password that you will remember.


  1. Your wallet is now set up and ready to use. You can access it by clicking on the LEAP wallet icon in your browser's toolbar. If you are using Chrome, the icon will be located in the top right corner of your browser. If you cannot find the icon, look for a "puzzle piece" icon and click on it to access a list of installed extensions. There, you should find LEAP wallet and you can click on the "pin icon" to pin it to your toolbar for easy access in the future.


  1. You can now use your LEAP wallet to access and interact with the Cosmos Network, including staking native tokens, voting on governance proposals, and accessing NFTs and dApps.


Congratulations! You now have the best experience to explore Cosmos! Please note that Leap Cosmos wallet is a self-custodial wallet which means you are always in control of your funds and make sure you keep your seed phrase safe. Here’s a quick primer on best practices for wallet safety.