Introduction to MetaMask Snaps

MetaMask Snaps is an extension framework that broadens the functionalities of MetaMask to include non-EVM ecosystems. This means that as a MetaMask user, you can install Snaps to interact with dApps in ecosystems beyond Ethereum, such as Cosmos.

Introduction to Leap Cosmos MetaMask Snap

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Leap Cosmos Snap is a MetaMask Snap developed by Leap Wallet for the Cosmos ecosystem. Leap Wallet is a robust multi-platform wallet with over 300,000 users. By using this Snap, MetaMask users can connect to Cosmos dApps and sign transactions as seamlessly as they would with dApps on Ethereum.

Top dApps to explore in Cosmos Ecosystem using Leap Cosmos MetaMask Snap

There are wide variety of decentralised applications across different categories of Defi & NFT in the Cosmos ecosystem. Powered by Leap Cosmos MetaMask Snap, very soon, you’ll be able to use MetaMask wallet on some of the top applications on Cosmos like:

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