
This guide will help you connect your Ledger with Leap for all Cosmos chains including Ethermint chains like Injective, Dymension EVMOS, etc.

Leap supports importing addresses from both Cosmos and EVM Ledger apps, enabling access to all top Cosmos chains.

Connect hardware wallet

Before we dive into the connection process, ensure your Ledger device is ready to go by setting it up and installing the Cosmos app and Ethereum app (optionally to add support for Injective, Dymension & Evmos) on your Ledger device. If you're new to this or need a quick walkthrough, please check out these handy guides:

Congrats on setting up your Ledger device. Now, we can continue with the tutorial to connect your Ledger with Leap.

  1. Connect your ledger device to your computer via a USB cable.
  2. Enter your PIN into the ledger device to log in.
  3. Open the Cosmos app on your ledger device.
  4. Now click Import ledger
  5. Click on the “Connect hardware wallet” button on the Leap Cosmos Extension, you will be presented with a screen looking for your wallet.

You will see a pop-up as shown in the image if your USB is properly connected and you have the Cosmos app opened on your Ledger device. Make sure your device is unlocked as well

You will see a pop-up as shown in the image if your USB is properly connected and you have the Cosmos app opened on your Ledger device. Make sure your device is unlocked as well

Once you connect your Ledger Nano S/Nano X device, you will be prompted to click Next and go to selecting wallets you want to import

Once you connect your Ledger Nano S/Nano X device, you will be prompted to click Next and go to selecting wallets you want to import

  1. You can select one or multiple wallets to import in this screen. All the chains that the Cosmos Ledger app supports will be imported (all major chains including Cosmos Hub, Osmosis, Stargaze, Neutron, Noble, dYdX, Kujira, etc)

    Choose wallets from the connected Ledger you want to import. You can re-import new wallets again later as well

    Choose wallets from the connected Ledger you want to import. You can re-import new wallets again later as well

  2. You will be asked to optionally choose to import your addresses for the selected wallets in the previous step for EVM chains: Injective, Dymension & Evmos. [You can also skip this step and re-import it at a later point of time]

    This step is required since these chains require the Ethereum app on Ledger and can not be added via the Cosmos app

    This step is required since these chains require the Ethereum app on Ledger and can not be added via the Cosmos app

  3. You can now close your Cosmos app and open your Ethereum app on your Ledger to import addresses for the above-mentioned EVM chains

    You can open your Ethereum app on Ledger and click Next to import addresses for the previously selected wallets for Injective, Dymension, and Evmos

    You can open your Ethereum app on Ledger and click Next to import addresses for the previously selected wallets for Injective, Dymension, and Evmos

  4. After this, you will be presented with a “Choose a password” screen to enter a password that you can use to log in. Click on the “Proceed” button when done.

    Password is used to lock your extension wallet. Please remember your password to be able to lock and unlock your wallet seamlessly

    Password is used to lock your extension wallet. Please remember your password to be able to lock and unlock your wallet seamlessly